Mental health services lack human and financial resources in many countries, particularly low and middle income countries. More funding is needed to promote mental health to increase people’s awareness of the issue. In response to making mental health a global priority, World Health Day was first...
Field work is an important and valued part of geoscience research, but can also serve as a source of stress. Careful planning can help support the mental health and wellness of participants at all career stages.
The Mental Health Issue We Need to Talk About Women and Concussions Wait, Beta Blockers Can Help With Anxiety?? 32 Mental Health Books That Everyone Should Read Mental Health Podcasts for a Bad Brain Day
The Singapore Medical Journal has published a special issue on mental health in honor of World Mental Health Day. The collection of articles covers various mental disorders, including ADHD, anorexia nervosa, depression, and psychosis. The articles explore topics such as diagnosis, treatment modalities...
Thus, it is appropriate for public health interventions to consider the need for better mental health among this cohort [13]. With increasing accessibility for all socioeconomic levels, the internet has now become very influential in daily lives. This triggered a new and worrisome issue: ...
Inequality in treatment access is a pressing issue in most healthcare systems across many medical disciplines. In mental healthcare, reduced treatment access for minorities is ubiquitous but remedies are sparse. Here we demonstrate that digital tools can
AI for Mental Health 2024 : Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health: Advancements, Challenges, and Ethical Implications
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Mental Health at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Track 9:Stigma and Mental Health This track addresses the pervasive issue of stigma associated with mental health disorders and its impact on individuals'willingnessto seek care. Sessions will explore the origins and consequences of stigma, including discrimination, social exclusion, and self-stigma. ...
Health, Pharma & Medtech› State of Health Mental health treatment in the U.S. - Statistics & Facts The issue of mental health has gained greater attention in recent years and became especially relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic. The most common forms of mental illness in the United ...