Uganda has an outdated legal framework governming mental health. A critical review of both domestic and international frameworks has highlighted areas for refordoi:10.2139/ssrn.1967749Nyombi, ChrispasMulimira, Moses WasswaSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
There are currently major efforts underway in Ghana to address stigma and discrimination, and promote the human rights of those with mental health conditions, within mental health services and the community, working with the World Health Organization’s QualityRights initiative. The present study aims...
We used data obtained from questionnaires given to adolescents in Gabon that asked about their behavior and lifestyle to better whether they were vulnerable and undertook behaviors that could negatively impact their health. A high proportion was found to use alcohol and have sex without using ...
Mental health in South Africa: History, successes, and challenges Edited by Katherine Sorsdahl, Ashraf Kagee 5 December 2024 Series on Mental health in China Edited by Zhang Wufang 5 December 2024 Mental Health in Uganda: History and Current Perspectives, Socio-cultural concepts, and Systems Edit...
Article: Primary school students' mental health in Uganda and its association with school violence, connectedness, and school characterist
Global mental health applies the principles of global health to the field of mental health. Over the years, global mental health has advocated the cause of increasing access to mental health care through promoting the prioritization of mental health in g
When we talk about mental health, we could seem to be talking about some self-evident reality. However, the very notion of mental health can be seen to both assume and require a specific vision of human interiority. The so-called ‘sciences of the soul’
Dr. Khamisi Musanje, the lead researcher from Makerere University, said, "Improving mental health in the workplace is not only about individual well-being, but also about creating a healthier, more productive workforce for Uganda's future." ...
et al. Maladaptive Personality Trait Facets and Mentalization in Youth Gambling. Int J Ment Health Addiction (2023). Download citation Accepted22 November 2023 Published12 December 2023 DOI Keyword Gambling ...
Child and adolescent mental health is a global priority. In sub-Saharan Africa, despite the high burden, there is a gap in health services for children and adolescents with mental health disorders. To bridge this gap, healthcare workers require a good understanding of child and adolescent mental...