Mental health prevention in UK classrooms: The FRIENDS anxiety prevention programme. Emot Behav Difficulties 2010; 15: 23-35.Stallard, P. (2010). Mental health prevention in UK classrooms: The FRIENDS anxiety prevention programme. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 15 (1), 23–35....
Schools are a key forum for mental health prevention and intervention. Childhood mental disorder can lead to reduced attendance at school, increases the likelihood of exclusion and dropout from school, and can impair academic attainment. Stressors specific to the school environment, such as bullying,...
The provision of mental health teaching in UK schools of pharmacyRutter, P
In response, the UK government hasadopted new policiesand increased funding for mental health in schools. While schools may be well placed to promote children’s wellbeing and mental health, there is a high expectation for school staff to be actively involved in such support. This approach may...
Schools play a central role in promoting children’s and young people’s positive mental health and provide a key setting and learning environment for developing core competencies across the social, emotional and behavioural domains. In this chapter, we examine the rationale for promoting children’s...
“As an education charity, we aim to equip young people with the tools to fulfil their potential and looking after their mental health is an integral part of this,” he said. “By raising funds to gift the Sophie Says books for Jewish primary school children both in the UK and ac...
Mental health in schools: A federal initiative. Children's Services Social Policy, Research,and Practice , 2 (2), 95–115.Adelman, HS, Taylor, L, Weist, MD (1999) Mental health in schools: a federal initiative. Children's Services: Social Policy, Research, and Practice 2: pp. 95-115...
The Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools aims to strengthen pupils’ mental health by supporting schools to make a positive change at all levels of the UK’s education system, improving students’ outcomes and life chances. ...
UK employers eye ‘competitive advantage’ in hiring neurodivergent workers Six-fold rise in job ads that mention conditions such as ADHD and autism since 2019, data shows December 18 2024 Solving the global crisis in mental health The new tech treatments that could improve mental health ...
Williams, N. (2013). Bring in universal mental health checks in schools. British Medical Journal, 347, doi: 10.1136/bmj.f5478.Williams SN. Bring in universal mental health checks in schools. BMJ. 2013; 347:f5478.Williams, S. (2013). Bring in universal mental health checks in schools. ...