“Family and friends of first responders would benefit from encouraging them to make their emotional and physical health a priority within their daily lives to prevent and manage and stress or emotional difficulties they are continuously experiencing from their jobs,” Alizadeh advises. Discussing menta...
The COVID-19 pandemic had an enormous impact on public health around the globe in terms of both physical and mental health, and the mental health implications of the pandemic may continue long after the physical health consequences have resolved [49]. While the pandemic brought a variety of ch...
private practice companies, hospices, and hospitals. In my private practice, I have addressed many various issues from mental health diagnosis to adjusting to new situations, work with sincerity, compassion and nonjudgement, addiction issues, dealing with grief, improving communication strategies, or ta...
In 2019, the Israeli Ministry of Health approved MDMA as a compassionate treatment for PTSD. And the FDA recently approved compassionate use for 50 PTSD patients. Doblin, 66, takes this as a good sign. He’s working with VA hospitals in hopes of administering MDMA to the more than 1 ...
health hospitals and were in crisis often. I was the lead counselor for the team as well, and was trained in Cognitive Processing Therapy to assist our client's with trauma they have endured and to teach them to challenge the negative thoughts they had about themselves in regard to that ...
(The brutal jail version of special care issolitary confinement,which increases psychosis.) General hospitals toss uninsured patients into the streets. Mindless policies such as theHIPAA code, which prohibits family members from learning the condition of a hospitalized loved one, remain on the books....
However, the current study illustrated that there can be bed shortages in Primary Intensive Care Units, which means that it is not always possible for offender health teams to transfer prisoners to hospitals in a timely manner. Therefore, consideration needs to be given to how the occupational ...
Colorado law mandates that hospitals can’t turn away someone who is suicidal, homicidal or so “gravely disabled” that they can’t manage to take care of themselves by finding food or shelter. But most hospitals have no place—other than an ER bed—to treat a mental health patient. Hosp...
Social Service with a Master's Degree in Social Work. My internship at Creedmoor Psychiatric Center focused on consumers who presented with dual diagnoses. After graduation, I worked at the Queens Hospital Center's outpatient alcohol clinic for the NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation in Queens, ...
I am a licensed clinical social worker with more than 30 years of experience working in various settings such as psychiatric hospitals, group homes, military sites, and in a group practice. My professional journey has taken me from the East Coast (New Jersey) to the West Coast (California),...