Disaster mental health handouts, guides, and other information for disaster mental health workers, and victims, following natural or man-made disasters. Information for disaster workers, clinicians, researchers, students.
An Educational Service for Clinical & Forensic Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Other Forensic and Mental Health Professionals, Attorneys, and Judicial Professionals (Students & Trainees Welcome!)William H. Reid, M.D., M.P.H. Forensic Psychiatry Consultant Horseshoe Bay, Texas...
Finally, the authors consider the changes to the role of school psychologist that will be required to practice a public health problem-solving model. An accompanying CD contains sample forms, handouts, and other valuable materials that will be of use to school psychologists implementing this public...
An Educational Service for Clinical & Forensic Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Other Forensic and Mental Health Professionals, Attorneys, and Judicial Professionals (Students & Trainees Welcome!)William H. Reid, M.D., M.P.H. Forensic Psychiatry Consultant Horseshoe Bay, Texas...
Following the pilot training, there was a significant increase in correctional officers' knowledge from pretest to posttest, and their ratings of course content and delivery methods were positive. The open-access, downloadable curriculum includes a PDF facilitator's manual, participant handouts and ...
It was found that among individuals who completed a post-SAMFE screen, individuals who have been previously hospitalized for a mental health problem, who had higher acute stress symptoms, and who were homeless reported more suicidal ideation than those without those histories or symptom presentations...
the development of obesity, diabetes, lipid abnormalities, and other metabolic disorders. The book offers guidance on nutritional and other interventions for preventing obesity and diabetes and on monitoring and management of patients with diabetes. An appendix provides useful patient education handouts. ...
Other program materials included a 43-page participant handbook and handouts that were translated by accredited translators into Arabic and Bangla. A Bangla-speaking working group of bilingual mental health professionals and community members provided advice on translation and cultural adaptation of the ...
A common observation was that people had become dependent on handouts, used to welfare and decline in efforts to work and earn. People had betrayed (kaddikodduthu) others for benefits and privilege from the army and authorities. But, now with the resettlement process, motivation to rebuild ...
An Educational Service for Clinical & Forensic Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Other Forensic and Mental Health Professionals, Attorneys, and Judicial Professionals (Students & Trainees Welcome!)William H. Reid, M.D., M.P.H. Forensic Psychiatry Consultant Horseshoe Bay, Texas...