Compounding CMHA and Inclusion Canada's concerns, an expert committee of professionals from disciplines including ethics, social work and medicine that reviewed MAID deaths in Ontario identified cases in which it said isolation and unmet social needs, such as housing, had fueled several euthanasia r...
Canada has since delayed its verdict on allowing mental-health patients to be considered for assisted suicide. Few dispute that mental suffering is as real as physical pain. And those in favour argue that to exclude those who suffer solely from psychiatric conditions would be discriminatory. Globall...
There was extensive propaganda aimed at increasing the acceptance of euthanasia by the public and health-care providers. Only a few months after Hitler seized power, the first law, affecting people diagnosed with psychiatric conditions, was passed. It mandated sterilization for people with hereditary ...
Marc S.Daigle, Marc S., Centre for Research and Intervention on Suicide and Euthanasia (CRISE), Department of Psychology, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, Trois-Rivieres, PQ, Canada, marc.daigle@uqtr.caInternational Journal of Prisoner Health...
This service is called MAiD for Medical Assistance in Dying, and it was the fervent, dying wish of Pierre Elliot Trudeau. He asked Justin Trudeau, his son. to make it happen in Canada.Ghost of Pierre Trudeau Consumes Justin Trudeau On Euthanasia ...
The present ethical advice tackles the question as to how caregivers in a Catholic mental health service can take care of psychiatric patients requesting euthanasia because of their unbearable mental suffering. The question arises because the Belgian act on euthanasia allows euthanasia under certain condi...
To date, medical conversations around aid in dying have largely omitted this component of psychological illness. In arguing against assisted-death for psychiatric suffering, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) president Jean Echlin insists: “If somebody loses their life now, they’re put to death,...
Compounding CMHA and Inclusion Canada's concerns, an expert committee of professionals from disciplines including ethics, social work and medicine that reviewed MAID deaths in Ontario identified cases in which it said isolation and unmet social needs, such as housing, had fueled several euthanasia reci...
Mental HealthChronic DepressionDSM-5EuthanasiaEnd-of-LifePhysician-Assisted DeathMedical Aid in DyingConstitutional LawCriminal LawCriminal CodeInterdisciplinary and comparative research aims to establish: (a) if the challenge in differentiating between short-term and chronic psychological pain is legal...
Results. We provide an approach to the concept of suffering and what it encompasses when a patient with mental health problems asks for euthanasia. In addition, we show the role that Nursing could play in these decisions. Conclusion. A distinction between pain and suffering is possible. An ...