In my last two articles, I discussedchronic sorrowand thetraumacaregivers of children with mental illness experience and how we might support them. As the youth mental health crisis worsens, this group gains moreattentionas a critical component of their children’s care. Harvard recently publishe...
Time will tell the full impact of the current mental health crisis on business growth and financial bottom lines, but one thing is clear: if organizational leaders don’t play a proactive role in supporting the mental health of their employees, their organizations, like their peopl...
Mental health is an essential part of overall health. Yet some teens are not willing to get help or considertherapyforfearof being stigmatized or even shamed. In the same way, some parents believe that mental health problems will work themselves out; there are also others who let their egos ...
There have been times in the past that I didn’t appreciate or understand how the stories I publish on my site can affect somebody’s feelings or mental health. The internet is still so impersonal, despite the advances in technology that instantly connects us with loved ones, friends, family...
Importantly, the discourse surrounding men’s mental health tends to focus on the internal stigma of affected men, who are often depicted as self-destructively stubborn and silent in the face of mental illness. This narrow focus can sometimes descend into avictim-blamingdiscours...
In Open Dialogue, every crisis is assumed to be unique. Hasty or formulaic decisions are avoided, and it is accepted that understanding is a gradual, organic process. It may be that no important decisions are taken for the first two or three meetings, even when the distress is severe. Th...
Researchers found that individuals who consumed the most ultra-processed foods had statistically significant increases in the adverse mental health symptoms of milddepression, “mentally unhealthy days,” and “anxiousdays.” “More than 70 percent of packaged foods in the U.S...
Narratives of recovery have been central to the development of the recovery approach in mental health. However, there has been a lack of clarity around def
Game of Thrones’ Sophie Turner says we need to ‘just talk’ about mental health... and the rest, writes Natasha Devon
In this Perspective, we discuss current and potential applications of data science in mental health research using the UK Clinical Research Collaboration classification: underpinning research; aetiology; detection and diagnosis; treatment development; treatment evaluation; disease management; and health ...