昆士蘭州 – Tafe QLD CRICOS : 096796J課程名稱:Diploma of Mental Health 心理健康文憑課程費用:AUD11,500課程長度:1年入學時間:開課月份為1月23日 2023年 (如想報名之後日期入學者,請洽顧問諮詢)開課校區:South Bank, Brisbane校區澳洲公立技職學校TAFE – 其他熱門科系推薦...
The NSW School-Link Training program, comprising four courses to date, has been delivered locally to more than 2000 mental health workers from various agencies over seven years. Participants, who include school and TAFE counsellors and clinicians from health, Juvenile Justice, Community Services and...