I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor Located in Dallas, Texas. I graduated from Tarleton State University with a bachelor of science in Psychology. I then attended Southern Methodist University and graduated with a Master of Science in Counseling. Additionally I am a Licensed Chemical Dependency Cou...
Looking for a therapist that specializes in marriage counseling, depression, anxiety, and PTSD? Look no further, contact us for therapy in Texas.
Through partnerships and fundraising, Southern Smoke provides free mental health care to anyone in the food and beverage industry — and their children — in the states of Texas, California, Louisiana, New York, and Illinois, and they are working to grow this program to include all 50 states....
At some schools, students can access an interpreter for counseling services or request a counselor from their ethnic background. TheUniversity of Maryland—College Park’s counseling center has a diverse staff, including therapists who speak Arabic, Gujarati, Hindi, Korean, Mandarin Chinese,...
Department of Counselor Education and Family Therapy Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Alamosa, Colorado Name of Degree:Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Enrollment Type:Full-Time Length of Program:2 years
Randy Withers Get Email blunt-therapy.com Randy Withers, LCMHC is a Board-Certified and Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor at Practical Counseling and Wellness Solutions, LLC in North Carolina. Meredith Arthur Get Email bevoya.com @mudaba 1K Focuses on mental health, stress, and anxiety, ...
Stress Culture to Health Culture Our bodies are designed to respond to stress and return to a relaxed state but our society’s beliefs and structure do not support that. We are trained to remain in hypervigilant states of worry, fear, and concern. We are trained to live with stressors lik...
If I decide to go that route, I would never make up the amount I spent on my education in a lifetime not to mention on a Counselor’s salary. Does this make any sense at all? We are short mental health counselors however, we are keeping those in the “helping” profession from ...
a genetic counselor from connecticut.if a woman abuses alcohol or drugs or doesn't eat well, there is a risk to the developing baby.also, a premature birth or problems during childbirth can sometimes harm the baby's developing brain.while premature babies are generally fine, there is a grea...
He explained that “every church needs to have a counseling center in it just so people who are going through it [emotional/mental health concerns] can come in and speak to a counselor or somebody about their issues.” Several participants emphasized how they would refer people with mental ...