International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 15(3), 604 - 613. https://doi:10.1007/s11469-016-9684-0Scott DA, Valley B, Simecka BA (2016). Mental Health Concerns in the Digital Age. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. doi:10.1007/s11469-016-9684-0...
If your smartphone is affecting your focus or mental health, the next time you scroll on your phone out of boredom, pause. Listen to what your body is telling you and try to understand why you are using your phone excessively. When you take the time to become more aware of the present ...
In this episode, Dr. Robyn Silverman and Kruti Kanojia, CEO of Healthy Gamer, discuss practical ways parents can support their children’s mental health in the digital age. Together, they explore the psychological needs behind gaming and social media, strategies for setting boundaries, and how...
Overall, the study highlights the importance of addressing mental health concerns in the entrepreneurship community and the need for further research on the topic in China, particularly in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.Data availability The data that support the findings of this ...
Many young people (YP) are diagnosed with mental illnesses and require support. Web-based mental health interventions (W-MHIs) have been increasingly utili
Posts about mental health written by bandy52, llhalladay, kschlag, barton345, thebrittons10, hreister, taylor.4411, and Shannon Carter
Health habits and risk behavior among youth in three communities with different public health approach There is a consensus today that comprehensive public health activities including many actors are needed for impact on health compromising behaviors. Howeve......
Excessive use of social media (SM) platforms and digital technology (DT), often driven by habitual scrolling due to adaptive feed experiences, has been linked to anxiety, sleep disturbances, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors while also exacerbating mental health concerns. Yet, ...
“mental health”, AND “Pacific Islanders” OR “Pacific” OR “Pasefika” OR “Pasifika” OR “indigenous”, AND “digital” OR “online” OR “internet” OR “electronic” OR “technology” OR “media.” There was a total of 87 pieces of literature. However, the search was restricted ...
Information systems can help with system integration and consequently access to services by allowing primary care physicians to play a greater role in the care of children with mental health concerns (Sarvet, Gold, & Straus, 2011). Implementing EMR with mental health-specific modules in tertiary ...