children & adolescent servicesNorthern IrelandBamford Review of Mental Health & Learning DisabilityThe Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability (Northern Ireland) was established in October 2002 to examine all aspects of the law, policy and provisions that affect people with mental ...
mental health assessmentslooked after childrenAs part of the UK's National Health Service modernisation agenda, the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Northern Ireland set up a Service Improvement Unit (SIU). The aim of the SIU was to identify key areas in the Health and...
Children andyoung people's mental health facts published by the Centre for Mental Healthshow that two-thirds of children with a mental health problem have had contact with professional services. Teachers were the most commonly trusted – with 48.5 percent of affected children confiding in ...
A guide to information and services related to mental health support. Find reliable organisations and support services here.
3. Maternal mental health problems are positively associ- ated with children's subsequent emotional, behavioural, hyperactivity, and peer problems. 4. Children's emotional, behavioural, hyperactivity, and peer problems are positively related to later maternal mental health problems. Data and Methods ...
There has been concern about adolescent mental health during the pandemic. The current study examined adolescent mental health during the initial phase of
Childhood mental health diagnoses are relatively common, with prevalence rates being around 10% of children between the ages of 5 and 16 [7]. Understanding the relationship between exposure to ACEs and children’s behavioural and psychological outcomes is important as psychological disorders in childhoo...
The Association of School and College Leaders surveyed 1,120 headteachers in state-funded schools and colleges in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Some 99% said children's mental health services were inadequate and 96% said children's social care services were inad...
Methods: The Northern Ireland Youth Wellbeing Survey aimed to provide estimates of the prevalence of mental health problems among children and young people. The survey also included questions about parental physical activity, parental mental health, and children's physical activity (for those aged 11...
(2023). Influence of Loneliness on Internet Addiction Among Rural Left-Behind Children in Dezhou City and Regulation of Social Anxiety and Sense of Security. Occupation and Health, 39(5), 653–656. (in Chinese) Zhang, X. Y. (2023). The ...