Mental health is so important. It’s something we’ve been discussing on the blog for a while and we now have a number of helpful articles on our blog that are aimed at helping your mental health. These articles have since become some of our most-read blogs on the site. Today we turn...
A‘Health record’ is a record which consists of information relating to the physical or mental health or condition of an individual which has been made by or on behalf of a health professional in connection with the care of that individual. ...
The part of the brain most heavily associated with mental health, memory, emotion and mood is called the hippocampus; the biological name for the seahorse. It is the unusual seahorse-like shape of the hippocampus that has led to its evocative name. Just as the seahorse charms the depths of ...
Laurie Rackind, the CEO of JAMI UK – the mental health charity for the UK Jewish community – was a synagogue member in our first community, and I ran over to share the idea with him, which became the hook for the first annual Mental Health Awareness Shabbat, in 2012. Stay updated wi...
A broader, more inclusive definition by Nacro (a crime reduction charity for England and Wales) includes those who come into contact with the criminal justice system because they have committed, or are suspected of having committed, a criminal offense and who may be acutely or chronically mentall...
The post It is time to prioritise mental health in the workplace appeared first on The Creative Mental Health Charity PoetsIN™. ]]> World Mental Health Day Each year World Mental Health Day focuses on a theme that aims to bring more awareness and information around mental health and well...
The company also supports the YMCA in Malta and has made a EUR10,000 donation to this well-established charity that provides shelter, support, education, food schemes, counselling and more to the homeless community. The Dreams of Horses Farm in Xaghra, Gozo is another organisation that has rec...
I started bullet journaling for planning purposes, but it has now become an important part of caring for my mental health. Having lived with clinical anxiety for nearly 10 years, I’ve developed good coping mechanisms, and bullet journaling has become a
A report released at the end of last year by mental health charity MIND could not have gone further in endorsing the core ideas that lie behind his bungled and brutal welfare reforms. The report is titled “We’ve Got Work To Do” and claims to demand ‘fundamental reform’ of the work...
It’s like making a donation to a charity and finding out that most of that money goes to the people running the charity and not the cause which the charity is supporting. I can’t help but think that the wealthy know that the government works the same way and avoids giving them money...