Mental health is so important. It’s something we’ve been discussing on the blog for a while and we now have a number of helpful articles on our blog that are aimed at helping your mental health. These articles have since become some of our most-read blogs on the site. Today we turn...
Nathan Ake recently spent time with Manchester City’s charity, City in the Community, to help raise awareness of the importance of wellbeing amongst young people. During Children’s Mental Health Week, which took place earlier last month, a CITC mentor and Ake went head-to-head in a ...
A report released at the end of last year by mental health charity MIND could not have gone further in endorsing the core ideas that lie behind his bungled and brutal welfare reforms. The report is titled “We’ve Got Work To Do” and claims to demand ‘fundamental reform’ of the work...
BIKERS RIDE FOR LEE RIGBY ; Manchester to Rochdale Event Will Raise Money for Charity Helping Veterans with Mental Health Problems.HUNDREDS of bikers will pay their respects to murdered Lee Rigbyby riding from Manchester to...Bartlett, Nicola...
Those who took part and reported better overall health after spending time in nature had different jobs, were both rich and poor and were from different backgrounds and ethnicities. What’s more, some had chronic illnesses, whilst others did not. Trending Creative Wedding ideas: Wed like a ...
mental health and as we go through the record it gets better and better and it’s just showing people through my experiences that things do get better and we do come out the other side. I touch on substance abuse, poor mental health, the cost of living crisis through More Than This. ...
Then mused on delaying until now to time it with World Mental Health Awareness Day. Truth is, I haven’t the energy for it at the moment. I considering moving it online but the idea of transferring it to Zoom makes me want to curl up into a ball. For me, it’s important to get...