根据上文“Sports offer so many great benefits not only to our physical health but to our mental health.(运动不仅对我们的身体健康有好处,而且对我们的心理健康也有好处)”以及后文“So allow me to help you count the ways(所以请允许我帮你数一数)”可知,后文提到了数运动对心理健康的好处,可知本句...
Posts about mental health written by bandy52, llhalladay, kschlag, barton345, thebrittons10, hreister, taylor.4411, and Shannon Carter
7 Benefits of Mental Health Days What could the benefits of a proactive mental health day be? 1. Improved Mental Well-Being:A mental health day is an opportunity to hop off the gerbil wheel of work and focus on well-being. Mental health days allow workers to decompress emotiona...
A Dose of Mental Health一剂精神健康的良药 By Dana G. Smith From The New York Times Many people are microdosing, but scientists are split over whether the benefits of taking small amounts of psychedelic drugs are a placebo ef...
The amount of time young people spend outdoors is decreasing due to more screen time. Being outdoors has proven positive impacts on adolescent well-being. There are ways to get your kids outdoors to take advantage of the mental health benefits. Newport Academy’s treatment model includes experient...
The idea is that if the event is successful, you’ll win something else of value. But there’s a lot of things that can go wrong. The problem is that gambling doesn’t just impact the gambler; it has impacts on their families and their communities, too. It’s important for health...
Providing a sensational newsletter on effective holistic health and health psychology. Inside are articles, tips, tools and more. A 'Mind Boggling Advice For Having Fun and Enjoying Life' newsletter.
Providing a sensational newsletter on effective holistic health and health psychology. Inside are articles, tips, tools and more. A 'Mind Boggling Advice For Having Fun and Enjoying Life' newsletter.
From shaking it out alongside friends to learning new moves from long-time pros, dance promises feel-good fun, plus some powerful health benefits. In fact, moving to the music can benefit everything from blood pressure to weight loss, resilience, mental health, and more. Ready to glide, ...
Mental Health Mental Fitness Mental Resilience The Benefits of Being Mentally Fit – What Prioritizing Your Brain Gets You 1. Increased Mindfulness of Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions When faced with a challenging situation or an unwanted feeling, mental fitness enables us to step back and becom...