Title VII establishes within SAMHSA a “National Mental Health Policy Laboratory,” codifies SAMHSA’s existing National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (which was not previously explicitly authorized in statute), and authorizes appropriations for SAMHSA’s Programs of Regional and Nation...
While we all come together in September to raise awareness for suicide prevention, it can be difficult to support those who are not ready or willing to share their challenges. Unfortunately, there is still often a stigma associated with reaching out for help for mental health services. The good...
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in 2008, 13.4% of adults received treatment for a mental health issue (NIMH, n.d.-b). These percentages, shown in Figure 4, reflect the number of adults who received care in inpatient and outpatient settings...
This project will expand its current training infrastructure to increase training on mental health and substance use disorders to school personnel; youth leaders in high schools and institutions of higher on education; law enforcement and other emergency first responders; veter...
At Mpower, we actively promote mental well-being, raise awareness, advocate prevention, and offer services to combat the stigma surrounding mental health. Through our comprehensive services, we aim to empower individuals and communities to overcome the stigma surrounding mental health. Together, let'...
He has volunteered to answer the crisis hotline one night a week at the Northside Healthcare and Crisis Center. Jeremy arrives for his initial orientation and training with the crisis center manager, Daniel, who proceeds to instruct him, offering tips and suggestions along the way. Jeremy’s ...
Take a “Stop the Bleed” class for complete training on tourniquets. Do not take using tourniquets lightly. They can cause a lot of damage, pain & potentially blood clots when not applied properly. As stated elsewhere usually “stop the bleed” or other training is recommended first. ...
because this month is Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness month. And so, Emma's TED Talk, which I'm going to have her go ahead and chat a little bit about [it]—and I will add the link to the show notes as well so you guys can see her TED Talk—has just be...
Based on specific strategies identified through previous supportive supervisor training interventions (e.g., Hammer et al., 2011; 2021) and mental health awareness training (MHAT) for managers (e.g., Dimoff & Kelloway, 2019a; Dimoff et al., 2016a, b), we suggest that MHSSB are comprised...
we will explore how barbershops have evolved into more than just places for haircuts, becoming sanctuaries where the stigma surrounding mental health can be dismantled. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation and contribute to building a culture of mental health awareness and ...