Mental health issues make people feel uncomfortable. I’m not talking about people who suffer from them – I mean the people who don’t. When you don’t have any personal experience of poor mental health, it can be – excuse the pun – difficult to get your head around. If you meet ...
Posts about mental health written by bandy52, llhalladay, kschlag, barton345, thebrittons10, hreister, taylor.4411, and Shannon Carter
A Dose of Mental Health一剂精神健康的良药 By Dana G. Smith From The New York Times Many people are microdosing, but scientists are split over whether the benefits of taking small amounts of psychedelic drugs are a placebo ef...
I’m writing a series with the help of two colleagues at Wise, who’ve been brave and fabulous enough to share their struggles with mental health and money. While labels have helped me, everyone's experience with mental health is different. ADHD is a spectrum; the symptoms aren't one-siz...
Erica Coe:I would 100 percent agree. These things only go so far if services are inaccessible. So much of it has to be around evolving the mental health system as part of the overall health system. Getting rid of the lack of parity will be at the root of a lot of improvement. There...
What made you want to become a mental health first aider?Growing up, the importance of mental health was never seriously discussed around me. I feel that, in the past, this lack of knowledge and understanding made me less able to provide the assistance needed when others turned to me for ...
"There's been a significant rise in the number of young people suffering from a mental health problem over the last 10 years in the UK, but also around the world," says Dominique Thompson, a general practitioner who is also a young people's mental health expert. "Then along ca...
Mental Health is such a difficult thing to keep track of because it’s so up and down. I can have a really good week then a really bad week. I’m affected by everything; hormones, family issues, workload, how others around me are feeling… even the weather affects my mood. I have...
3. It's made me more organized about scheduling Stress isn't inherently bad—it's simply our reaction to what goes on in the world around us. The problem is that ongoing, unmanaged stress can take its toll and lead to mental health issues. For me, chronic mental health issues equal a...
Navigating Mental Health as a Young Adult We provide treatment services for children, adolescents and adults with a wide range of psychological, behavioral and social difficulties. Our staff have specialized training and experience which allows us to quickly identify, target and prioritize specific are...