Unemployment and Mental Health: Hazards and Challenges of the Psychology in the Community - Fryer - 2000Fryer, D. (2000). Unemployment and mental health: Hazards and challenges of psychology in the community. In K. Isaksson, C. Hogstedt, C. Eriksson & T. Theorell (Eds.), Health effects...
Dollard, M.F., and A. H. Winefield (2002) Mental health: overemployment, underemployment, unemployment and healthy jobs. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 1(3).Dollard M.F., Winefield A. (2002). Mental health: over employment, underemployment, unemployment and ...
This literature review has been carried out to examine current evidence linking mental health and unemployment. The research reviewed in this paper covers a wide range of academic disciplines spanning epidemiological medical research to more descriptive papers from social policy and geography, and while ...
Existing theoretical explanations of the mental health consequences of unemployment are outlined, critically reviewed and an alternative theory proposed. Theories reviewed include the rehabilitation approach, the stages model, Jahoda's functional model, Warr's vitamin model and Fryer's agency critique. A...
We examined gender differences in the effects of unemployment on mental health and assessed whether such effects are associated with interactions among gender, family roles, and social class. Our analysis included 3881 employed and 638 unemployed workers, aged 25 to 64 years, interviewed in the 1994...
作者: Claude Houssemandsupa/supsup*/sup,Raymond Meyerssupa/sup 摘要: Labour market variables may moderate the link between unemployment and mental health, as has been found in numerous research papers. The aim of this study was to test, in the context of a very favorable labor market, (1)...
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research wellbeing (as measured by the SF-36 mental health scale) either deteriorating or improvingconsistently through the period of unemployment, the unemployed move through asymmetry...
Unemployment and MentalHealth. By Peter Warr. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. ISBN 0-19-852158-6. £30. Reviewed by David Oborne, Department of Psychology, University College, Swansea. Peter Warr is Director of the MRC/SERC Social and Applied Psychology Unit at the University of Sheff...
Unemployment and the mental health of Newfoundland women affected by the fishery closure 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 31 作者:Murray,Cynthia Lynn 摘要: This study was part of a larger interdisciplinary Eco-Research program entitled "Sustainability in a Changing Cold-Ocean Coastal Environment"...
Unemployment and mental health scarring during the life course. Background: There has been little research on the long-term relationship between unemployment experiences and mental health over the life course. This arti... Strandh,Mattias,Winefield,... - 《European Journal of Public Health》 被...