Psychoanalysis, the NHS and mental health work todayDavid O'Driscoll
预订Psychoanalysis, the NHS, and Mental Health Work Today: 9781782203681 国外库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货 作者:Vaspe, Alison出版社:Karnac Books出版时间:2017年03月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥587.00 配送至 北京 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“中国进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。
strongly encourage international innovators to apply to. Its offering is uniquely positioned in several important ways and on account of the expertise in the team and amongst the mentors, the reach it has into and across the NHS, and the access it has to the health and healthtech industry.”...
Konrad Dobschuetz, NHS Innovation Accelerator National Director, stated: “At the NIA, our core belief is that no one can solve health and social care’s biggest challenges alone. That’s why we champion a collaborative and mutually supportive approach to innovation that makes an impact. We’re...
Despite mental health moving up the NHS policy agenda during these 20 years, the authors suggest that there are five themes that are important throughout: the respective contributions of professionals and managers in determining change; the balance between primary care and secondary care in delivering...
Digital interventions in mental healthcare: the road ahead During SilverCloud by Amwell’s annual Digital Mindset conference, experts deliberated the potential of technology in addressing current NHS pressures and enhancing access to mental healthcare Read Now Whitepaper: The Future of Therapy: How ...
Mental Health UK Brings together the experience of four charities who’ve been supporting people with their mental health for nearly 50 years. Provides support and services for the challenges that pose a threat to people’s mental health. Helps with understanding mental health and money issues, lo...
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Dr Proctor said: "The privatisation of the NHS has continued by stealth, with the result of increasing bureaucratisation and medicalisation of mental healthcare. All the new money put intomental health carethrough IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) has resulted in patients being tre...
The number of people who are out of work with mental health conditions has risen by a third between 2019 and 2023. 2023年,英国国家卫生服务局(NHS)的一项调查发现,在英格兰,每五名8至16岁的青少年中就有一人可能患有精神障碍,高于...