Mental health conditions are a common comorbidity among children living with heart disease. Children with congenital heart disease are more likely to have a mental health condition than their unaffected peers or peers with other chronic illnesses, and mental health risk persists across their lifetime....
MacLean SA, Lancaster KE, Lungu T, Mmodzi P, Hosseinipour MC, Pence BW, et al. Prevalence and correlates of probable depression and post-traumatic stress disorder among female sex workers in Lilongwe. Malawi Int J Mental Health Addict. 2018;16:150–63. Google Scholar Mzumara T. Excessi...
even before the pandemic. According to the U.S. Surgeon General’s 2021 Advisory, “Protecting Youth Mental Health,” these challenges continue to be the leading cause of poor life outcomes and disabilities in America’s youth.
Perinatal depression (PND) is a prevalent ailment that affects both the woman and her family. Addressing PND in primary health care, such as pediatrics and obstetric care settings, has been proposed as an effective way to identify and treat women. The pu
One of America’s top mental health leaders, Thomas Insel, condemns present mental health care in his new book. Insel finds that the worst injustice is in serious mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Insel notes that the nation has a severe shortfall in ...
Nursing Clinics of North America—I. The Patient with Trauma; II. The Nurse in Community Mental Healthdoi:10.1016/S0001-2092(07)61899-7Mirium LancasterBattle Creek, Mich;elsevierAorn JournalLancaster, K.,A., (1997), Patient teaching in ambulatory surgery: Nursing Clinics of North America, 32...
1809 resolved to erect an asylum, plans were drawn up in1812by Thomas Standen of Lancaster. Opened 28 July 1816. Later had a bad reputation as pro restraint. Paul Slade Knight, Medical Officer. 1844 Select Committee Report, back-to-back cells, small airing courts. One of first (with Barmi...
These unforeseen findings extend beyond the social cognition field. Most studies on factors associated with brain health and pathological aging have been performed in HICs73. However, risk may differ in underrepresented regions such as Latin America where multiple social and health disadvantages converge...
Abbreviations MH: Mental health CYP: Children and young people RCTs: Randomized-controlled trials UK: United Kingdom USA: United States of America ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder SES: Socioeconomic status PRUs: Pupil referral units FE: Further education ...
Are there any Jewish organizations that focus on mental health? Yes, Besides those noted above, Elijah’s Journey is a national Jewish nonprofit that focuses on suicide prevention. In addition, virtually every local Jewish federation in North America has a Jewish Family Services agency that provides...