As attention grew on mental health at the workplace, many agencies responded with initiatives targeted at helping their talent to protect their well-being. But as the pandemic turns endemic and leadership craves a return to business as usual, there are concerns that focus on menta...
A high proportion of the participants experienced at least one psychiatric symptom in the past year, but less than half of their mental health service needs were fulfilled. The preferred agencies for mental health services were provincial and city-level general hospitals or primary health centers. ...
The first half of the twentieth century is significant for establishing separate fields of child study, mental health agencies for children, and child welfare systems all of which developed into the current fields, agencies, and systems for addressing the needs of troubled children and adolescents. ...
In the ideal NICU, care for the emotional and educational needs of NICU parents are outcomes equal in importance to the health and development of their babies. Whenever possible, NMHPs should be involved with parents from the antepartum period through after discharge. Journal of Perinatology (...
1 One confounding omission in global health security has been mental health. The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), currently a partnership of more than 60 sovereign states plus the World Health Organization (WHO), other international institutions, nongovernmental organizations, and private companies...
Mental health and quality of life for people with HIV. Voluntary agencies in the UK have provided invaluable additional support to people living with HIV (PLWHIV) since the first gay men who lived in London were seen to die of AIDS related illnesses in the early 1980s1. The recognised need...
Main Outcome Measures Proportions of respondents with 12-month DSM-IV anxiety, mood, impulse control, and substance disorders who received treatment in the 12 months before the interview in any of 4 service sectors (specialty mental health, general medical, human services, and complementary and alte...
Despite the limitations the carceral environment may impose on mental wellness, mental healthcare is increasingly becoming a carceral endeavor. Over the course of the last several decades, prisons and jails have become the de facto mental healthcare prov
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors and should not be construed to represent the views of the World Health Organization, other sponsoring organizations, agencies, or governments. Additional Contributions: We thank the staff of the World Mental Health...
Meaning The findings suggest that routine mental health screening may be needed in law enforcement agencies to systematically identify and refer officers to mental health care services. Abstract Importance Limited literature has characterized patterns of mental illnesses and barriers in seeking mental health...