Generational trauma impacts how African Americans experience mental distress. All of these contribute to ongoing health disparities within the African American community. This chapter discusses the challenges African Americans experience accessing and acquiring quality care in the United States and explore ...
African American adults and has resulted in many challenges that these individuals face on a daily basis. For example, African Americans tend to have higher unemployment rates, lower economic status, drug abuse problems, overall poorer health, lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality rates, ...
A campaign to bring awareness of mental health services, resources, and tools available to the African American community. Mental Health is a taboo topic in many communities, but it is time for change. Check out this website,Facebook,Instagram, andTwitterpages for resources!
KA Thornton, I Tuck: Promoting the mental health of elderly African Americans: a case illustration. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2000 14: 191-198Thornton KA, Tuck I: Promoting the mental health of elderly African Americans: a case illustration. Arch Psychiat Nurs 2000; 14:191e198...
A new, revealing literature review suggests that older African American adults are more likely to be diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and dementia. African Americans, Mental Health, and Aging, published in Special Issue: Late-Life Diversity from Clini
although only a quarter were employed. Participants, both African-American and White, had worked with theirmental healthprovider for an average of 28 months. There were no significant differences between African-Americans and White patients in terms of age (mean age was 51), education or employmen...
This article serves as an introduction to this special issue focused on the mental health of African American youth within a familial and environmental context. I present background on the African American adolescent population in the area of mental and behavioral health, describe the impetus for th...
African Americans Perceptions of Mental Health and the Implications for Health Service Delivery As discussed in class, little advancement has been made in the field of mental health care over the past two decades. Rates of mental illness continue to be high especially among certain subgroups, but ...
African American Elders, Mental Health, and the Role of the ChurchBased on national surveys and polls, African Americans have the highest levels of religious...Nguyen, Ann W.American Society on AgingGenerations
CHICAGO, May 23 (Xinhua) -- African Americans living in the Great Lakes state of Michigan report a decline in mental health as their socioeconomic status rises, a study of the University of Michigan (UM) shows. The study utilized data from Michigan's 2017 State of the State Survey conducte...