Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018 Statutory GuidanceHollins, LeeInternational Journal of Positive Behavioural Support
The training for all new teachers will be backed up by updated statutory guidance to make clear schools’ responsibilities to protect children’s mental wellbeing. The initiative is part of a wide-ranging package of measures aimed at making sure people have the skills to identify mental health i...
This article is an attempt to make a case for the need for a “Code of Practice” (CoP) as a statutory guidance document to help all stakeholders in implementing the legislation. It is argued that the CoP is essential to effectively safeguard the rights and autonomy of the patients and to...
Humans spend on average 6.5 hours a day online. A large portion of that time is dedicated to information-seeking. How does this activity impact mental health? We assess this over four studies (n = 1,145). We reveal that the valence of informatio
Mental Capacity Act 2005 Summary and Guidance For Staff The MCA 2005 provides a statutory and quality framework to empower and protect some of the most vulnerable people in society. It makes it clear who can tak... Management of our web site, Shire Hall, Westgate St, Gloucester, GL1 2TG...
The attention to workplace mental health is timely given extreme levels of burnout, anxiety, depression and trauma experienced by workers due to serious ex
Children and young people with care-experience (e.g. foster, kinship and residential care) report poorer mental health and wellbeing than the general popul
This article is an attempt to make a case for the need for a “Code of Practice” (CoP) as a statutory guidance document to help all stakeholders in implementing the legislation. It is argued that the CoP is essential to effectively safeguard the rights and autonomy of ...
There are currently major efforts underway in Ghana to address stigma and discrimination, and promote the human rights of those with mental health conditions, within mental health services and the community, working with the World Health Organization’s QualityRights initiative. The present study aims...
To assess the feasibility of rolling out the mHealth component of the intervention and acceptability of the EDSS among ASHAs and UPHC doctors. Methods The UK Medical Research Council (MRC) guidance for developing and evaluating complex interventions [9] has informed the formative phase of ARTEMIS....