to mental health legislation has seen the involvement of a range of health professionals in legislated mental health roles, including the power of registered nurses to detain patients in hospital under Section 111 of the New Zealand Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act (1992) . ...
Acts 32 and 33 were effective immediately upon the Governor’s signature on July 7. Section 3 of Act 32 directed the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services to promulgate regulations to implement the changes to Section 111(a) within 180 days of the effective...
The Mental Elf keeps you up to date with reliable mental health research, policy & guidance. Our team of mental health experts post blogs every week day with short and snappy summaries that highlight evidence-based publications relevant to mental health practice in the UK and further afield....
Section 117 of the MHA places a duty on health and social services authorities to provide after-care services for certain patients discharged from detention under the Act. It does not specify services to be provided or confer powers to charge....
Expressive writing intervention ACT: Acceptance commitment therapy HPI: Holistic psychological interventions EPHPP: Effective Public Health Practice Project PRISMA: Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses References World Health Organization (WHO). Infertility. https://www.who...
We draw upon the existing literature for three exemplar multilevel service delivery frameworks in different child mental health service settings to (1) identify core components common to each framework, and (2) to highlight prominent implementation determinants that interface with each core component. ...
impacting brain health7and quality of life8. Standardized tasks of social cognition are increasingly used in research and clinical contexts to assess the performance of patients with age-related conditions such as subjective cognitive complaints (SCC), mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, in...
Interview—Short Form (CIDI-SF), Section A (Kessler et al., 1998) was administered to adolescents' mothers at the year-15 survey, allowing us to assess the influence of grandparental death on maternal depressive disorder, and whether it is a key pathway to adolescents’ worse mental health....
This develops the topic of Ageing in better health. Here we return to the biology of ageing, that was first introduced in Chap. 1, but with a special emphasis on brain plasticity, a very important topic that is the focus of a fast-developing research program, and we also review psychologi...
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted greatly the mental health of children. We performed a systematic review to better understand the impact of the pandemic