This study examined trends and influences of variables in the 100 most recent applications of Section 5(2) of the Mental Health Act 1983 in a major teaching hospital in England. Case notes, section-forms, log-books and computerised records were scrutinised. Sixty-four per cent of the cases ...
The pattern of use of Section 5(2) of the Mental Health Act 1983 was examined over a 12-year period at one psychiatric hospital. Although there was a national trend for Section 5(2) to be used more frequently, the local pattern was of a fluctuating number of patients being placed on ...
There have been well-documented misunderstandings about the use and powers of section 5(2) of the Mental Health Act (MHA) 1983, however there are no published studies looking at how education of the clinicians involved affects any outcome measures. The aim of this study was to examine the im...
The implementation of Section 5(4) of the Mental Health Act 1983. The application of Section 5(4) is likely to: lead to further detention under the Act; have implications for the practice of nurses; and affect the care received by patients in the aftermath of its use. However, the liter...
Access to mental health care and treatment is emphasized as a fundamental right under the Mental Healthcare Act. The focus of district mental health program (DMHP) under the aegis of National Mental Health program is to provide mental health interventions for all at the community level. Women ...
Eating disorders was most common condition category. Sufferers described internalizing negative self-images when bullied and not identifying it as a mental health issue. One author explained: “Bullying comes in various forms and has a lasting impact. As a teen I suffered from E.D.s, but witho...
This will involve not only the healthcare system but also other sectors. The arguments that support the proposal fall into eight sections presented in the succeeding text in a logical sequence. Each section impacts other sections, so to ease understanding, we quickly set forth the sections and ...
Almost a third of all people who entered Germany to seek protection since 2010 were under the age of 18. Asylum-seeking and refugee (ASR) adolescents in Germany face reduced entitlements to healthcare and experience barriers in accessing mental healthcar 113 Adult Neurogenesis and Mental Illness Timothy J Schoenfeld1 and Heather A Cameron*,1 1Section on Neuroplasticity, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA Several lines of evidence suggest that adult neurogenesis, ...
As noted inSection 7.20.2, the focus on community-based services for the elderly did not begin in the mental health system until shortly before the national initiative was terminated and responsibility was returned to the states. Perhaps for this reason, the efforts at national planning of commun...