U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Seasonal Affective Disorder. National Institute of Mental Health. Read ...
More than a decade ago, Galea posed the question “Can we improve mental health if we improve cities?”4. In the past two centuries, urbanization has shaped landscapes and lives, making it the “sentinel demographic shift” of our times4. The relationships between mental health status and the...
Participation was offered with language noting that Gold Research was administering an emotional health questionnaire on behalf of Northwestern University, with the phrasing: “We will be evaluating how different emotions and experiences are connected and may relate to our emotional health.” All particip...
Over the report period, TimelyCare saw nearly 2,500 student registrations and 5,500 total visits, including telepsychiatry and health coaching appointments. As student options for mental health treatment expanded, Harvard’s Counseling and Mental Health Service received just over 20,000 student visits...
Sensory contact with nature can improve your overall well-being & mental health, according to many research studies.Share on X While biophilia implies love for nature and life forms, not everything about nature can improve wellbeing. Some of it can be threatening. Lying flat on your ba...
Basic Health Unit cRCT: Cluster randomised controlled trial CSRI: Client Service Receipt Inventory EUC: Enhanced Usual Care GHQ: General Health Questionnaire HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale HDRF: Human Development Research Foundation HTQ: Harvard Trauma Questionnaire LHW: Lady Heal...
To them, upholding a mental health policy could also act as a demonstration of modernity, shield for inaction, or veneer to cover up corruption ([53, 67]: 125). Adopting policy may additionally boost the public’s opinion and interest groups’ support of the national government, especially ...
The mental health of students has become one of the top concerns in higher education. The number of students reporting distress and seeking services has dramatically increased, and colleges and universities are struggling to address these challenges. A r
Even though people spend the majority of their time indoors, the role of buildings in shaping human experience is still not well understood. The objective of this experimental project is to develop, test, and validate a data-driven neuroscience approach
The timing of puberty may have an important impact on adolescent mental health. In particular, earlier age at menarche has been associated with elevated rates of depression in adolescents. Previous research suggests that this relationship may be causal, but replication and an investigation of whether...