Available at Amazon.com and wherever you buy books (print, Kindle/ebook, audiobook). (Click HERE to order from Amazon.com) NOTE (2020) teaching additions, and links to our other sites, in the main menu below: handouts/slides for psychiatric trainees on Advance Directives, Clinicians ...
Available at Amazon.com and wherever you buy books (print, Kindle/ebook, audiobook). (Click HERE to order from Amazon.com) NOTE (2020) teaching additions, and links to our other sites, in the main menu below: handouts/slides for psychiatric trainees on Advance Directives, Clinicians ...
I like to play golf. But sometimes my ball goes way off into another fairway and the rest of the journey to the cup is the arduous correction to make it to the place where I once belonged. Ruth’s life (and mine) in Tree of Lives takes a very similar tack – the journey to the...
Available at Amazon.com and wherever you buy books (print, Kindle/ebook, audiobook). (Click HERE to order from Amazon.com) NOTE (2020) teaching additions, and links to our other sites, in the main menu below: handouts/slides for psychiatric trainees on Advance Directives, Clinicians ...