(including AIDS-related dementia). Dementia is an overall decline in a person's intellectual function—including difficulties with language, simple calculations, planning or decision-making, and motor (muscular movement) skills as well as loss of memory. The MSE is an important part of the ...
Motor Activity: hyperactive, bizarre gestures, mannerisms, posture, tics, gait, paralysis, tremors. 2. Speech: Volume, rate, latency, push or pressure, loquacious, retarded, mute, increased or decreased. 3. Emotional State (Mood and Affect): Elated, euphoric, calm, placid, depressed, ...
Technical performance was mainly measured as ball loss, errors in passing and shooting, interception, and successful tackle and showed a dramatic impairment (P < 0.05). The decline of physical activity is relevant with higher level PRE, while decreased technical performance is r...
Physical activity, physical fitness and the effect of exercise training interventions in lymphoma patients: a systematic review Fatigue is one of the most common and most distressing problems in lymphoma patients. A vicious circle is presumed between fatigue, physical activity and p... N Vermaete,...
Excessive and purposeless motor activity of extremities Seizures Lethargy Prolonged coma, which may be life-threatening In adolescents and adults, signs of cannabis intoxication can include: Tachycardia, tachypnea, increased blood pressure especially in older adults, orthostatic hypotension Conjunctival injectio...
Motor Aphasia. A condition in which expression by speech or writing is severely impaired. Multiple personality. Two or more distinct personalities alternately prevail in the same person. Mutism. Unable or unwilling to speak. Negativism. Opposition or resistance, either covert or overt, to outside ...
-Beginning early in development, acquisition and skill in coordinated motor activity is below what is expected for the individual's age and opportunities to learn motor skills-Deficits interfere withfunction DevelopmentalCoordination DisorderImplications for Function -Most occupations unaffected except insofar...
Long duty hours (DH) impair sleep and negatively affect residents’ health and medical safety. This cross-sectional study investigated the association among residents’ DH, sleep duration, insomnia, sleep impairment, depressive symptoms, and self-reporte
results from sudden uncontrolled burst elec activity in brain narcolepsy sleep disorder, sudden uncontrollable ep sleep. attack paralysis, & hallucinations multiple sclerosis (MS) deterioration myelin sheath covering axons within brain, prev nerve transmission to muscles = progressive weakness w/no cure...
Those in the mental contrasting condition were estimated to consume about 100 fewer calories per day (compared to 50 for control) and were 30% more likely to have reported increasing their exercise activity (compared to 15% for control). ...