working with the sort of sectioning process….or working with the….or working with the capacity assessment process, to say, you know “I do accept that actually at times I need this treatment, and I want this document to be part of that….to be part of that assessment process.’ (...
The intervention is being evaluated through a mixed-methods pre-post study design that involves quantitative assessment of stigma outcomes measuring knowledge, attitudes and (discriminatory) behaviour; quantitative evaluation of mental health service utilization rates (optional, where feasible in sites); ...
No additional studies were found in the update review to shed light on user involvement at the organizational level. This leaves only a single study suggesting empowerment of adolescents to support their confidence and capacity to work with service providers, to help to improve the services and to...
For example, previous research examined rural–urban differences in the risk of perinatal depression among 17,229 women who participated in the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System survey [12]. We found that depression during pregnancy was 21% higher among rural compared with urban-residing ...
The review provided evidence for the following questions: (1) What is the nature of psychosocial interventions to support adults harmed by others’ drinking? (2) What is the evidence of their efficacy or effectiveness? and (3) What are the outcome measures (primary, secondary, or undefined ...
Effective PA interventions for student mental health could alleviate burden on more traditional university support services, in turn freeing capacity among alternative health and social services to which students may turn in response to long wait times. Additionally, the provisions we documented appeared...
rated “Yes” will be contacted by research staff to be given informed consent to participate in the screening study. Patients that are deemed “Don’t know” will be contacted to be assessed for the ability to consent by a psychiatric nurse using a capacity to consent rating form [67] ...
[193]. At the same time, phylogenetic and developmental perspectives have given rise to the hypothesis that the reward potency of music reflects its basis in social communication [149]. In this non-mutually exclusive view, music’s capacity to stimulate reward processing also reflects the activity...
SDT: Self-Determination Theory; SUP: Supervised exercise without motivational intervention; SUP + : Supervised exercise with motivational intervention; -T1: enrolment of participants before assessments; T1: baseline assessment at 0-week; T2: mid-intervention assessment at 13-week; T3...
The World Health Organization’s mental health gap intervention guide, version 2 (mhGAP-IG.v2) is a decision support tool for non-specialists for the assessment, management and follow-up of mental, neurological and substance use disorders (including depressive disorder). Given that mhGAP-IG.v2 ...