Mental Health Awareness心理健康意识 热度: MentalandEmotionalHealth Chapter7 CharacteristicsofaMentallyHealthyPerson Feelscomfortablewithhimselforherself Hasgoodrelationshipswithothers Meetsthedemandsoflife TypesofEmotions Section7.1 Love Happiness Optimism Humor ...
Roadblocks to Mental Health … All-Or-Nothing Thinking Expecting the worst in others or yourself Being a Perfectionist Letting actions or words betray your values Examples of Improving your Mental Health … Building Self-Esteem The power of constructive criticism What is Emotional Health? The signals...
Mental / Emotional Health
医学英语Chapter 5_Emotional and Mental Health.ppt,精神和情感上健康远非是没有抑郁、焦虑或其他心理问题。 Being mentally or emotionally healthy is much more than being free of depression, anxiety, or other psychological issues. 情感健康的人能控制自己的情感
Health Lesson1:EmotionalHealth Health Class Get Ready for Class • Pick up Unit 3: Emotional Health Notes • Today you are turning in: ü Decision Making notes and ü Goals/dreams notes • Please get those out on your desk, but DO NOT put them in the basket ...
做父母的感到很难去无条件地爱孩子心理健康Mental+HealthCognitive-behavioralTherapy 认知-行为法特征一 CBTisbasedontheCognitiveModelofEmotionalResponse 建立在情感反应的认知模式上Basedontheideathatourthoughtscauseourfeelingsandbehaviors,notexternalthings,likepeople,situations,andevents. Wecanchangethewaywethinkto fee...
mental and emotional hea讲义lth 精品 mentalandemotionalhealth END
心理健康Mental+Health详细版.ppt,Personality 个性 Type A personality A型个性 Impatient 急躁 Time-conscious 赶时间 Competitive 竞争性强 Insecure about self 具有不安全感 Hostile and aggressive 有恶意,攻击性强 Free-floating anxiety 说不出名堂的焦虑感 Can’t
1 North Carolina Essential Standards Health Education- Grades K – 2 Note on Numbering: MEH-Mental and Emotional Health, PCH-Personal and Consumer Health, ICR-Interpersonal Communications and Relationships, NPA-Nutrition and Physical Activity, ATOD-Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs MENTAL AND ...
33 Mental and emotional health.(Part V: Treatment and Prevention of Disease)Oldham, John M