Considering the fact that only a small percentage of women in rural India are aware of menstrual hygiene, this paper focuses on highlighting the reasons for ignorance of menstrual hygiene, reluctance to use sanitary napkins and give few suggestions to make the existing situation better.Karunakaran,...
How grave is the Issue of Menstrual Health and Hygiene in India? According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), even though there has been significant progress in the past years, approximately 27% of young rural women still resort to unsanitary means of protection during their menstr...
In order to avoid diseases that can affect reproductive organs, Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) needs to be implemented. This study aims to assess MHM and the determinants of junior high school female students at Tinambung sub-district. A quantitative approach with a cross sectional design was...
Define menstrual. menstrual synonyms, menstrual pronunciation, menstrual translation, English dictionary definition of menstrual. also men·stru·ous adj. 1. Of or relating to menstruation. 2. a. Taking place on a monthly basis. b. Lasting for one month.
Socio-economic status MPNS: Menstrual practice needs scale SAMNS: Self-efficacy in addressing menstrual needs scale WASH: Water, sanitation and hygiene References Herrman H, Saxena S, Moodie R. World Health Organization, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, University of Melbourne, editors. Pr...
Menstrual Hygiene day: a chance to bring together people and organisations to promote menstrual hygiene management. No more limits.
Similarly… there is no private place where girls can change their underwear or sanitary napkins and manage their hygiene while they are in school. Eh… in rural areas; girls did not have sanitary materials or underwear and lack of sanitary facilities in schools influence female student school ...
The majority of research was also done in a quantitative manner. Up until our search, no study had been conducted in our nation that used a standard instrument to quantify social support. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the management of menstrual hygiene and related ...
Thus, an adolescent who is from an urban area practice safe MHM compared to a participant from a rural area. This result is congruent with findings from Amhara province and Aurangabad, India, which indicated safe menstrual hygiene management was lower among rural girls [30, 31]. The ...
Breaking the silence: Menstrual Hygiene Management in Rural India- Wateraid India 2008. Accessed on 14 October. 2015;1:58. 6. Wasserheit JN. The significance and scope of reproductive tract infections among Third World women. Suppl Int J Gynecol Obstet. 1989;3:145-68. 7. Eschenbach DA, ...