The menstruation cycle refers to the cycles in which a woman’s uterus grows and sheds a lining (the endometrium) which could support the development of a fertilised egg. It typically occurs in 28 day cycles, so a woman generally gets her period every 28 days. However, cycle length may be...
Guestover a year ago Hai! Me and my husband were trying for a baby since 2 years! Lastly my period date was Dec14th but on Jan 12th i got slightly brownish discharge on that day and then on next day little even more dark brown or light red but this last only for that half a day...
Menstruation (Period or Menstrual Cycle)Virtual Medical Centre Com
This article defines the menstrual cycle phases and hormones: menstruation, follicular phase, proliferative phase, ovulation, luteal phase, secretory phase.
The menstrual cycle calendar is very straightforward. You only need to input three things: 1) the year you want the calendar to show, 2) the start date of each menstrual cycle and 3) the number of days each period lasts.Note: If you would rather track your periods by hand, you can ...
The menstrual cycle is the time from the first day of a female's period to the day before their next period, the length of a menstrual cycle varies but on average is 28 days and consists of four stages; the menstrual phase, follicular phase, ovulation phase, and luteal phase (see Fig....
period and runs through day 1 of the next period. The average menstrual cycle length is 28 daysi. For teenagers, average cycles range from 21-45 days. For adults, average cycles range from 21-35 days. Carefree®provides afree period trackerthat can help you better understand and plan for...
Extremely elegant application that helps and assists women to keep track of period, cycle, ovulation and the chance of pregnancy(fertile days) Easy to use Extremely easy to use with quick access to calendar so you can easily track your cycles, periods, fertile and ovulation days. Helps you ...
i have a question. the last time i had sex was the middle of august and i have gotten my period every month since. normal and heavy as usual.
Cycle disruption No menstrual bleed for 3 cycles or more (requires medical investigation) Unusually light period (possible RED-S) Unusually heavy periods (possible PCOS or fibroids: may require medical investigation) Unusual pain during menstrual bleed (possible endometriosis: may require medical investig...