Menorrhagia, or heavy menstrual bleeding, causes women to soak through a single pad or tampon in a single hour for several hours or more. It also includes situations when a woman bleeds for more than a week and a half each month. You are considered to have hypermenorrhagia if you soak th...
Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) affects a significant number of women with bleeding disorders and has a negative impact on their quality of life. Objective This retrospective study examined the management of patients with inherited bleeding disorders who used medical treatments, alone or in combination,...
I am 21 and have never really had regular periods. For the most part they lasted at least 2 weeks but they were never heavy like they have been this year. I never know when to expect my period to come but usually I have light bleeding at first, the past few periods have been almost...
Hi everybody! I am 47 and entering my menopause. The problem is that I am experiencing heavy and excessive bleeding and have very long menstral period. This topic is answered by a medical expert.
My first cup and I love it although it’s not 12 hours for me because I bleed heavy I still love it minimal to no cramps and no itching from toxins of pads and tampons if you’re thinking about it do it!!! Recently viewed
so do not wait for the bleeding to stop before contacting a doctor. In order to keep track of how much bleeding is occurring, a female can count the number of pads and tampons used to control the bleeding. Share this information with the physician if the bleeding becomes heavy, painful, ...
Other than a leak the next embarrassing thing might just be having to purchase your own feminine hygiene supplies. When I asked most of my girls, they sometimes dread buying pads and tampons more than even bleeding through panties! Why? Because at least you canhideleaks, you can’t hide su...
Bleeding or flow that's heavy and interferes with daily life Cramping or PMS symptoms that interfere with everyday life Common Menstruation Issues Menstrual cramps, heaving bleeding, migraines, and irregular periods are common menstruation issues. This can occur due to hormonal fluctuations from puberty...
Bleeding is excessive, requiring more than one pad or tampon per hour. Signs of infection, such asfever,chills, and body aches, happen with your. You think you might be pregnant and any of these symptoms happen. Your doctor can help manage most symptoms. But you should go to a hospital...
Healthline statesthat the average woman loses about 3-4 tablespoons of blood during each menstrual cycle. If you happen to lose more than that, that's not necessarily cause for alarm; however, because there is such a thing as menorrhagia (extremely heavy menstrual bleeding — viaMayo Clinic),...