Google Share on Facebook menstrual cycle (redirected fromMenstrual bleeding) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia men·stru·al cycle (mĕn′stro͞o-əl) The series of bodily changes in women and other female primates in which the lining of the uterus thickens to allow for implantation of a fertil...
pre-menstrual syndrome(PMS), heavy bleeding, irregular cycles, cramps, aches, and fatigue.Premenstrual syndrome, more commonly referred to as PMS, ia the set of symptoms associated with the beginning of a female’s monthlyperiod. Symptoms of PMS include lethargy, sadness, headaches, lack...
I am 21 and have never really had regular periods. For the most part they lasted at least 2 weeks but they were never heavy like they have been this year. I never know when to expect my period to come but usually I have light bleeding at first, the past few periods have been almost...
I'm assuming that when you went to see the doctor, they did blood tests also testing your blood sugar and they've eliminated diabetes (my mom discovered she had diabetes by frequent yeast infections and unusual bleeding but she was post menopause by then) ...
I recently got a Flex Cup after learning more about the harms that tampons can cause to your body. I got it at Walmart for $30 and it was definitely worth it. I’ve only used it for a few days but it was very easy to learn how to use properly, and I have not had one single...
so do not wait for the bleeding to stop before contacting a doctor. In order to keep track of how much bleeding is occurring, a female can count the number of pads and tampons used to control the bleeding. Share this information with the physician if the bleeding becomes heavy, painful, ...
menstrual cycle No Comments For those of you who don’t know, amenorrhea is the medical term for the absence of menstrual bleeding for more than 6 months in the absence of pregnancy in … [Continue Reading...] Why Irregular Menstrual Cycle Occurs menstrual cycle 28 Comments There are many...
Other than a leak the next embarrassing thing might just be having to purchase your own feminine hygiene supplies. When I asked most of my girls, they sometimes dread buying pads and tampons more than even bleeding through panties! Why? Because at least you canhideleaks, you can’t hide su...
Chia Seeds Are Healthier Than You Thought Is It Safe to Eat Chicken Right Now? We We All Need to Try the NASA Nap at Work When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamin C? The Winter Superfoods to Add to Your Grocery List From Good Housekeeping for GoodRx ...
is period bleeding, which is casually referred to as “having your period.” This happens monthly (for most females) during your fertile years, except during pregnancy. Menstruation occurs when the lining of the uterus sheds by breaking down and leaving the body as blood. Most periods last aro...