Side effects can include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, visual problems, slow heartbeat, and excessive sweating. Black cohosh is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so women must be careful about the safety and purity of this supplement. Plant estrogens (phytoestrogens)...
Potential adverse side effects of estrogen therapy include breast tenderness, bloating, nausea, headaches, leg cramps, and vaginal or breakthrough bleeding.198 Additionally, the following issues should be considered prior to starting hormone therapy: The lining of the uterus thickens in response to ...
Nausea, vomiting ,and sensitivity to light and noise Some people experience abdominal pain, which gets better after vomiting What Can Be Done about Menopause and Migraine Headaches? There are many measures you can try in order to reduce the pain you are suffering from a menopause migraine headach...
intense, hot feeling on your face and upper body, perhaps preceded or accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and sweating, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, headache and/or weakness. During menopause some women experience an “aura” (very specific feeling...
Dizziness, including vertigo Easy bruising Fainting Fatigue Headaches Hot flashes Insomnia, including difficulty falling or staying asleep at night Joint and muscle pain Lack of energy Nausea and vomiting Pins-and-needles sensations in the hands and feet Skin problems, such as a...
Some occasionalheart palpitationsor irregular beats can be normal during the time around menopause. But if they are happening frequently, or are accompanied by troubled breathing, fainting, chest pain, anxiety, or nausea, they could be signs of heart disease or a heart attack. ...
Certain types ofantidepressantsmay be effective for short-term reduction of symptom severity, particularly of hot flushes.There is limited evidence of efficacy for other symptoms. Side effects of these medications includedry mouth,reduced appetite,nausea,constipation, and drowsiness. ...
Headaches or migraines can have many faces, ranging from throbbing and pulsating pain to sensitivity to light and nausea. Did You Know? Depending on the type, headaches can last from 10 minutes to several days. What to Do for Headaches? Finding Relief: Maintain proper nutrition with foods ...
Hair, Fatigue, Hair Loss, Headaches, Hot Flushes, Incontenence, Insomnia, Irregular Heartbeat, Itchy Skin, Joint Pain, Memory Lapses, Mood Swings, Muscle Tension, Night Sweats, Ringing Ears, Spotting, Tingling Extremities, UTIs, Vertigo, Constipation, Heartburn, Nausea, Vomiting, Ovulation and ...
Headache,stomachupset,nausea,vomiting,weightgain, vaginal spotting/bleeding, anddizzinessmay occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, contact your doctor promptly. To reduce the risk of dizziness andlightheadedness, get up slowly when rising from a sitting or lying position. ...