Follow up DR shows transitional spine and L3/4/5 vertebral compartments partial defect,hign dense metalic internal fixator,dot-like high dense metal shadow.The column of lumbar spine shows good curvature.. Follow up MR shows removed tumor and L3/4/5 vertebral compartments partial defect,disordered...
tumor tumour References in periodicals archive ? Ginkgo leaf sign: a highly predictive imaging feature of spinal meningioma. J Neurosurg Spine. SPINAL DUMBBELL EPIDURAL HEMANGIOMA: TWO STAGE/SAME SITTING/SAME POSITION POSTERIOR MICROSURGICAL AND TRANSTHORACIC ENDOSCOPIC RESECTION --CASE REPORT AND REVIEW ...
spinal cord tumorClear cell meningioma is a rare morphologic form of meningioma. This case report describes a very rare case of multifocal clear cell meningioma in the thoracic and lumbar spine. A 9 year old patient presented with back pain and popliteal pain, which were aggravated by trunk ...
A meningioma is a benign tumor of the meninges that may compress nearby brain tissue. It is one of the most common intracranial tumors, making up almost 11% of all brain tumors. Meningioma is one of the few brain tumors that is more common in females than males. It usually occurs between...
A case of spinal epidural meningioma in a 14-year-old girl is presented. Myelographic and computed tomographic findings led to the preoperative diagnosis of a metastatic lesion. Histological examination revealed the tumor to be a meningioma. Total resection was accomplished and the patient made a ...
The current systematic review aimed to investigate the meningioma model types used, perform a meta-analysis on tumor take rate (TTR), and perform critical appraisal of the included studies. The study also aimed to assess reproducibility, reliability, means of validation and verification of models, ...
Volume: Tuberculum Sella Meningioma. Topics include: Brain Tumors, Cranial Base Surgery. Part of the Cohen Collection.
The tumor cells have a syncytial, epithelioid appearance and are arranged in lobules or nests with a meningothelial and whorled architecture (Fig. 18.16). In general, the cells are bland with round to oval nuclei, delicate nuclear chromatin, and intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions (Fig. 18.17)....
Tumor locations vary but meningiomas are most frequently found in the convexity, falx, and parasagittal regions. Sphenoid wing, olfactory groove, and posterior fossa are other common locations. Meningiomas can also occur in the spine and cause symptoms by compression. Since meningiomas do not usually...
Recurrence remains a possibility even after total tumor resection. We found that the surgical resection range and adjuvant treatment affected the recurrence period. This finding provides significant guidance for the treatment of clear cell meningioma. This is a preview of subscription content, log in ...