PUBLISHED articlesObjective: We conducted a scientometric and visual analysis of meningioma studies in the past ten years and discussed the current status and trends of meningioma research to provide a reference basis for conducting relevant clinical practice or research. Method: A...
Animal models are widely used to study pathological processes and drug (side) effects in a controlled environment. There is a wide variety of methods available for establishing animal models depending on the research question. Commonly used methods
This work was supported by the German Research Council (DFG) within the clinical research group heavy ion therapy (KFO 214) and the Dietmar Hopp Stiftung. Funding None. Availability of data and materials Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during...
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Articles eligible for the current analyses were studies describing original data of the extended endoscopic approach in at least 5 patients, and articles were excluded describing a combined surgical approach, a pediatric patient population (< 18 years old), or outcomes of reoperations. The following...
We excluded articles that included patients with extracranial AM, salvageable RT for recurrent AM after GTR, and neurofibromatosis. The following data were extracted from selected studies: author of study, year of publication, study design, country that the study was conducted, period of research, ...
The information from selected research articles were recorded in Microsoft Excel 2013. We further reviewed the articles for missing information and checked for consistency. Data analyses were conducted by IBM SPSS (version-23) statistical package software. (Table 1) ...