ANALYSIS OF BRAIN TUMOR MENINGIOMA DETECTION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT USING CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK METHOD MOBILENET ARCHITECTUREdoi:10.58860/ijsh.v2i8.76Andika, Mochamad BayuAnwar, ChoirulMasrochah, SitiBudiati, Tri AsihYudha, I Gde Anom A.International Journal of Social Health...
neoplasm,tumor,tumour- an abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: me·nin·gi·o·ma ...
acteristic individual cell Factor XIIIa staining pattern seen in HPCs and not in benign fibrous meningio- mas5,6; and (3) reticulin, which shows a dense network of intercellular deposition in HPCs, with most menin- giomas being relatively reticulin poor. Other stains, including S100 ...