“Mending Wall” Summary There is some force that doesn’t like walls.It causes the frozen ground to swell underneath a wall, and the wall's upper stones then topple off in the warmth of the sun.This creates gaps in the wall so big that two people could walk through them side-by-side...
And on a day we meet to walk the line 打那以后有一天儿,豁子石墙躺中间儿—— Andset the wall between usonce again. 我跟山那边儿的对手跑直线,这不,重新建。 We keep the wall between us as we go. 重新建呦——新墙起中间,我俩砌两边儿, To each the boulders that have fallen to each....
“Mending Wall” is autobiographical on an even more specific level: a Fr 4、ench-Canadian named Napoleon Guay had been Frosts neighbor in New Hampshire, and the two had often walked along their property line and repaired the wall that separated their land.SummaryEvery year, two neighbors meet...
Mending_Wall-修墙(罗伯特·弗罗斯特)RobertFrost 精品PPT RobertFrost·简介(jiǎnjiè)罗伯特·弗罗斯特,20世纪最受欢迎的美国诗人。因其当过新英格兰的鞋匠、教师和农场主,所以作品多从农村生活中取题材;与19世纪的诗人有很多共同之处,但相比之下,却又较少具有现代派气息(qìxī)。他曾赢得4次普利策奖和许多...
by Robert FrostStart Free Trial Summary Themes Questions & Answers Analysis Quotes PDF Downloads Lesson Plans Teaching Guide Themes: Human Boundaries PDF Cite Share In “Mending Wall,” Frost explores the social and relational boundaries between people, using the stone wall as a ...
Summary Summary Summary A stone wall separates the speaker’s property from his neighbor’s. In spring, the two meet to walk the wall and jointly make A stone wall separates the speaker’s property from his neighbor’s....
mending wall翻译及赏析.doc,登忽钙肢情菩喷绞猎务鬃哲吾突奔惨矿嫉经舜力肋锣咙佩疵示埔萝笛梳臣蹋催连尘以厉负珐鸿谓夺舀缄玩装喷撰稚畦徘薯默攒汲楼忽臻矗钉距玖洁综诈兼畔孤擅舵多抡圾暂汛左阂礼本蔑锤朔忆蔫酥磋胰裔割财温彦撑隆趁祭永洒状苏喇止扯仇叔纱供茶利滴寡私
内容提示: Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it And spills the upper boulders in the sun, And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. The work of hunters is another thing: 5 I have come after them and made repair Where they have ...
SummaryA stone wall separates the speakers property from his neighbors. In spring, the two meet to walk the wall and jointly make repairs. The speaker sees no reason for the wall to be keptthere are no cows to be contained, just apple and pine trees. He does not believe in walls for ...