Create a free account Access your library, everywhere Add papers directly from your browser with a few clicks or import any documents from your desktop. Access your library from anywhere. Windows, Mac, Linux and all browsers. Learn about the library > ...
Mendeley Tutorial BISC 204 – Erfan Vafaie and Franz Simon What is Mendeley? ¡ Mendeley is a free reference manager: ¡ Organizes papers, review articles, and other PDF's. ¡ Also a social networking tool, whereby you can share journals ...
Reference Extractor - Extract Zotero/Mendeley references from Microsoft Word files microsoft-wordcitationsdocxzoteromendeley UpdatedOct 1, 2024 JavaScript monicaycli/my-writing-workflow Star38 Code Issues Pull requests Tutorial for converting markdown files in to APA-formatted docs, based on my workflow...
I make a tutorial equipped with step-by-step images, then I put it into practice. Mendeley is a magic tool for a researcher, not only as a reference manager tool, but also as social media for researchers. - Dora Dayu Rahma Turista, Biology Lecturer Dr. Yahaya Gavamukulya Once I ...