Seamlessly insert references and bibliographies into your Microsoft® Word documents using Mendeley Cite. Read, highlight and annotate PDFs, and keep all your thoughts across multiple documents in one place. Collaborate with others by sharing references and ideas. Back to topNext...
从在线数据库导入参考文献 将文本内引文插入 Word 文档并以您选择的样式创建参考列表,例如 APA 7th 与其他研究人员分享参考文献 EndNote 可用于 Windows 和 Mac 计算机以及在线版本“EndNote Online”。 EndNote 桌面版与 EndNote Online EndNote 桌面版是安装在特定计算机上的软件。 它提供了更多的功能,强烈推荐。 End...
(含主要文献管理软件对比) Your profile Creating your library Managing your documents references Inserting citations generating bibliographies (增加对参考文献基础知识的介绍和引文插件的 共同特点介绍) Sharing references using groups What is Mendeley? Based in London, Mendeley are 30+ researchers, graduates an...
Your library now automatically syncs when you add references or make changes Keep all your thoughts together Mendeley Notebook helps you collate all your highlights and notes from multiple PDFs Cite seamlessly Also available: Mendeley Cite, the new citation add-in for Microsoft® Word, takes the...
(含主要文献管理软件对比) Yourprofile Creatingyourlibrary Managingyourdocuments&references Insertingcitations&generatingbibliographies(增加对参考文献基础知识的介绍和引文插件的共同特点介绍) SharingreferencesusinggroupsWhatisMendeley?BasedinLondon,Mendeleyare30+researchers,graduatesandsoftwaredevelopersfrom...Supportedby:...
Extremely disappointed in this plugin - I lost a huge amount of work because my word document became unsavable in any file format after I started adding references. My only solution was to uninstall Mendeley Cite and manually delete the bibliography and all of the citations in the text, at...
Add ease to your search experience and be on a first name basis with your references. Users can now search for authors by their first name in the library search. General Improvements In addition to adding new features, we are always improving upon our existing features to ensure they run smo...
Introduction to Mendeley Reference Manager 202202:24 Setting up Mendeley4 个讲座 • 6 分钟 Navigating the Mendeley interface2 个讲座 • 3 分钟 Adding references to your library10 个讲座 • 11 分钟 Using Mendeley Cite for Word1 个讲座 • 1 分钟 Generating in-text citations and your refe...
As part of our plans to help researchers manage their references more efficiently, all Mendeley Web Libraries have migrated to the newMendeley Reference Manager. Your Web Library has automatically migrated, and you can now access all the features of the new system. ...