Original Title: Menace II Society Following True Romance and Bad Lieutenant, this is the third in what is fast becoming a regular series of movies back from the dead — films which were not granted a video certificate because they topped some ambiguous violence quota, but were then given one...
2. menace - a threat or the act of threatening; "he spoke with desperate menace" threat - declaration of an intention or a determination to inflict harm on another; "his threat to kill me was quite explicit" Verb 1. menace - pose a threat to; present a danger to; "The pollution is...
men‧ace1/ˈmenɪs/●○○noun1[countable]something or someone that isdangerousSYNthreatmenace ofIt’s the only way to deal with the menace of drug dealing.menace toThat man’s amenace to society. He should be locked away.thegrowing menaceof oil pollution at sea2[uncountable]athreateni...
IfStar Trek Onlinesounds familiar and old to you, that’s because it is.STOoriginally released in2010.It came out in the same month asHeavy Rain,Deadly Premonition, andBioshock 2. Like most video game properties, no one really knows how much money the initial launch ofSTOmade, but it pr...
Assessing the Character, Level and Threat of Neo-Nazi Violence in Germany, 1977-2003', Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 14(2), p.255-272.Mcgowan, L. (2006). Much more than a phantom menace! Assessing the character, level and threat of neo-Nazi violence in Germany, 1977-2003. ...
Comparative Program on Health and Society, University of Toronto, 19 Russell Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2S2, Canada jillianclare.cohen@utoronto.caJournal of Pharmaceutical Marketing & ManagementCohen JC. The menace or blessing of internet pharmacy? Some pub- lic policy considerations. J Pharm ...
the average revenue-per-person in the late-Nineties, when a CD was $15, and adjusted for inflation today, that would be close to $30. People don’t spend $30 even a month on music. There should be a relationship. When creators give value to society, society should give value back....
P Van Elslande,D Fleury - 《Proceedings of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting》 被引量: 2发表: 2000年 Analysis On Acceptance Of Elderly Drivers For Intelligent Speed Adaptation Using A Driving Simulator This paper aims to make a discussion on acceptability of elderly drivers ...
Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such...
men‧ace1/ˈmenɪs/●○○noun1[countable]something or someone that isdangerous類義語threatmenace ofIt’s the only way to deal with the menace of drug dealing.menace toThat man’s amenace to society. He should be locked away.thegrowing menaceof oil pollution at sea2[uncountable]athre...