“Men With Guns” tells the story of a doctor in an unnamed Central American country, who makes a trip into the rain forest to visit the young medical students he trained some years earlier. They were supposed to fan out among the Indian villages, fighting tapeworm and other scourges. The...
瑞士1999年10月28日 法国2000年10月25日 希腊2007年11月17日 原名:Men with Guns 片长:127 分钟 制片国家/地区:美国 编剧:约翰·塞尔斯 导演:约翰·塞尔斯 上映日期:1997-09-05 又名:Hombres armados imdb编号:tt0119657 类型:剧情 简体中文名:带枪的男人 ...
Men with GunsPrimary Colors (Universal) is more a media event than a movie. It's hard to tell whether its...Cunneen, JosephLegacy of Rage Jewish Masculinity
The movie itself is packed with fun moments and also a good amount of man love, making it a must watch for any guy. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. If you did, watch it again. 24. Wedding Crashers (2005) usatoday.com Some may look towards action movies only, with guns and...
In the world of the X-Men, mutants are a class of people who represent unpredictable leaps forward in evolution, having been born with a genetic kink that equips them with unique super-powers. "You’re in favor of registering handguns, aren’t you?" Kelly challenges another senator in a...
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SMOKING GUNS Sophie Kennedy Clark Steven M. Smith THE LAST FAUST THE LAST RITE The Movie Partnership Top 10 Urban Vernon Wells Vertical Entertainment Zackary Adler 2016 24 LITTLE HOURS 400 BULLETS A SERIAL KILLER'S GUIDE TO LIFE A SERIAL KILLER’S GUIDE TO LIFE Adam ...
Taiwanese supermarket, threw in Wolverine’s healing factor because nineties, strapped a couple of guns on him and set him loose on the world. I’m not saying there weren’t the germs of a good character there, but they were just that, germs. Capable of only being seen with a ...