Honesty regarding pornography use significantly predicted relationship dissatisfaction. Directions for future research and counseling implications are discussed. 展开 关键词: HIV Latinos ART barriers to care US-Mexico border DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2012.751077 被引量: 5 ...
Sexual disgust was positively associated with the number of sex partners, with MSM who had higher sexual disgust having fewer male sex partners than others did. Sexual and moral disgust sensitivity significantly predicted HIV testing. Our study verified that sexual and moral disgust suppressed sexual ...
The search terms used, including asterisks, were “sexual desire,”“LGBT,”“Lesbian,”“Gay,”“Women who have Sex with Women (WSW),”“Men who have Sex with Men (MSM),” and related terms. Additional terms included “sex* drive,”“sex* fantasies,”“sex* motivation,”“sex* ...
In February, theWorld Health Organizationpredicted more than 35 million new cancer cases by 2050, a 77% increase from the estimated 20 million cases predicted in 2022. The survey looked at both men and women in 115 countries. The WHO report suggested several factors may be fueling the future ...
In Study 1, more attention to unprotected sex acts on actual DVD film covers predicted lower safe-sex intentions, as compared to other elements of the film cover. In Study 2, safe-sex intentions after viewing unprotected-sex films were lower than after viewing protected-sex films. The results...
Participants were 329 heterosexually identified undergraduate men who completed an online survey. Results revealed that endorsement of playboy and violence masculine norms and higher levels of pornography use uniquely predicted more body evaluation of women. Pornography use, Facebook use, the interaction ...
As predicted, incels also scored higher on levels of sociosexual desire, but this did not appear to moderate the relationship between incel status and mental well-being. Tendency for interpersonal victimhood only moderated the relationship between incel self-identification and loneliness, yet not in ...
the perceived qualities of interlocutors41; men who perceived their interlocutors as higher in relative physical dominance or prestige raised their vocal pitch in conversation41,47,48, and deep voiced men are perceived to have greater aggressive intent49, suggesting that variability in the use of ...
which allows the two PrEP alternatives to be correlated with each other and reflects the “nested” nature of the choice (i.e., individuals first chose whether to use PrEP or Usual Care; those who chose PrEP then selected between the two PrEP alternatives). All models were run using 1000 ...
likely to become hypertensive (systolic blood pressure > or =165 mm Hg and/or a diastolic blood pressure > or =95 mm Hg or confirmed use of antihypertensive medication) in the intervening 4 years than men who were not hopeless (odds ratio, 3.22; 95% confidence interval, 1. 56, 6.67)....