I want them to lift up holy hands. I don’t want them to be angry when they pray. I don’t want them to argue. 提摩太前书 2:8 — New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (NASB95) 8 Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and ...
"I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing." (1 Timothy 2:8) This verse speaks specifically to males in the church, using the termanēr, "an adult human male, man, husband,"89in contrast toanthrōpos(used in 1 Timothy 2:1, 5), the generic ...
Menphina, the Lover, is one of the Twelve in Final Fantasy XIV. She is the keeper of the once-twin and now-lone moons and the goddess of love, commands the element of ice and is associated with the First Umbral Moon (second month). She is depicted as a m
Page 174 - "If you wind a spring one way, all its energies will unwind the other way. And sometimes you have to wind the spring as tight as it will go...and pray it doesn't break". Leonardo da Vinci drew designs for the spring but of course Vetinari is thinking that he might ha...
8Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. 9I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10but with good deeds, appropriate ...
And they said unto him, Behold now, there are with thy servants fifty strong men; let them go, we pray thee, and seek thy master, lest the Spirit of Jehovah hath taken him up, and cast him upon some mountain, or into some valley. And he said, Ye shall not send. ...
in their hearts of John, that perhaps he might be the Christ; John answered, saying unto all: I indeed baptize you with water; but there shall come one mightier than I, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to loose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire. ...
I stood in my place, all uncatholic and uncertain, and I watched the worshippers around me as they dipped and bowed and kneeled, as they crossed themselves and as they folded their hands in prayer, finger tips together in a steeple, as I did when I was taught to pray in Sunday School...
For I am a great King,”Says the Lord of hosts,“And My name is to be feared among the nations. Footnotes Malachi 1:1 oracle, prophecy Malachi 1:1 Lit. by the hand of Malachi 1:7 Or to be despised Malachi 1:8 Lit. lift up your face Malachi 1:12 So with Bg.; MT Lord...
Now, this which holds good in the works of creation, holds equally good in the works of salvation. Lift up your eyes on high; higher than those stars which glimmer on the floor of heaven; look up, where spirits in white, clearer than light, shine like stars in their magnificence; look...