爱给网提供海量的音效专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为wav 格式的两个人打架的人. . . 在木地板上苦苦挣扎. . . 敲打课桌. . . 哼哼(People Two men fighting . . . struggling on a wood floor . . . knocking over school desks . . . grunting), 本站编号31449294, 该音效专辑素材大小为8m, ...
. . 哼哼(People Two men fighting . . . struggling in the dirt . . . grunting), 本站编号31449286, 该音效专辑素材大小为11m, 时长为01:02, 声道为立体声, 音质为SQ无损品质, 比特率为1411k, 采样率为44100k, 该素材已被下载:202次, 更多精彩音效专辑素材,尽在爱给网。 该资源来自于专辑"[...
Later, as we're sitting on the team bench, two teenage boys take to the ice. They might be in high school, though neither looks old enough to get a driver's license. The boys circle each other, shadowboxing, then grab each other's shirts. I hear them grunting, and I think they'...
“Do they want us to imitate those sounds?” I asked Cavor.“I don’t think so,” he said.“It seems to me that they are trying to make us understand something.”“I can’t make anything of their gestures. Do you notice this one, who is worrying with his head like a man with ...
" says Vimes, to which Carrot replies "Very good for night duty, sir. And aerial surveillance" Along with Dwarfs and Trolls, Pratchett is foreshadowing the modernization of the Watch in future novels with the addition ofSally von HumpedinginThud. Clearly being vampires they will only be able...
The dog struggled lamely to the side of the room and lay down, grunting softly to himself and licking his grizzled, moth-eaten coat. The swamper watched him until he was settled. "I wasn't listenin'. I was jus' standin' in the shade a minute scratchin' my dog. I jus' now ...
The dog struggled lamely to the side of the room and lay down, grunting softly to himself and licking his grizzled, moth-eaten coat. The swamper watched him until he was settled.“I wasn’t listenin’. I was jus’standin’in the shade a minute scratchin’my dog. I jus’now ...
gruntingwiththeeffort,slowlypusheshisspaceshipuptherampandinto thebackoftheorkintruck. cutto: int.mibbuilding-tunnelventroom-day edwardsstandsinthemiddleofthetunnelventroom,thesameonehe firstcameintoyesterday.theelevatordoorsopenandkay,obviously summonedbytheoldsecurityguard,standswaitingforhim. edwards oneth...
The show’s hook and fatal flaw is right there in its title, which sounds like a caveman grunting “Cop Rock’s” premise. As a tradition-driven genre, cop shows invariably invite certain expectations: for instance, at no point in their law-enforcement efforts will police officers ...
Oh that’s easy it’s definitely women. But that works out perfect since I depend on my wife for everything!! If it was left up to me we would be living among animals and grunting at each other. Barbara Swaffordsays: July 26, 2010 at 11:15 pm ...