女权主义,避孕药与三文鱼 这本书由主要着眼女权主义的一系列文章组成,相对令我印象更深刻的是“婚姻平权”的一章。婚姻平权在最初其实更多指same-sex marrige(甚至更多结合形式)与对应的男女婚姻的相互关系,但是宽泛的讲,也可以包含婚内关系的平权。有趣的是,同性婚姻为代表的少数婚姻恰巧是婚内平权得到最佳体现的婚姻...
1. Men Explain Things To Me(爱说教的男人)关键原因:Arrogance(男性普遍的傲慢Lack of credibility(女性普遍地被矮化、欠缺权威女性被社会驯化,逐渐变得“自我怀疑”与“自我局限”,男性则被社会鼓励,在女性面前极容易自大自满。 2. The Longest War (最漫长的战争)针对女性的暴力模式(A pattern of violence)广泛...
Men Explain Things To Me 7.6分 全部书评 (6) —— 1.生活中常常遇见这样的时刻:我对某人说了一番话,某人先说不不不,接着换了个方式把我的观点重复了一遍,或者仅仅做了并不矛盾的补充。 mansplain v. (of a man) expl... 43 有用 Fragments of Reading Men Explain Things To Me 1. Men Explai...
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Men Explain Things To Me 第1集 Men Explain Things To Me 01 是在优酷播出的音频高清视频,于2020-04-20 11:06:32上线。视频内容简介:Men Explain Things To Me 01
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In Men Explain Things to Me, the author briefly touched on credibility and restraining orders. It is scary to me that a women’s explanation of wanting to leave her house because her husband was trying to kill her is not a valid excuse. I know t...
Men Explain Things to Me - TacocaT Explain it to me Explain it to me Explain it to me again Though I know all about The words you're spitting out The floor is yours without a doubt I already know How this is gonna go How this is gonna go ...
Despite a large amount of behavioral interventions to reduce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related high-risk sexual behaviors, consistent condom use remains suboptimal among men who have sex with men (MSM). However, current databases are lack of synthesized evidence to explain why MSM practiced...