La letra de la canción Down Under deMen At Workes idónea: Lyrics from Down Under by the iconicMen At Workarea are apt: gv2019 ¿Men at Work? Men at work? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Su selección me sorprende: los Stones,Men at Work, Aretha Franklin, Blondie... ...
a首先,非常真诚地对你表示歉意,说声对不起。昨天,师傅给我写了一封信,我看了一遍又一遍, Primeiramente, expressa-lhe extremamente sincerely o apology, disse o som pesaroso.Ontem, o trabalhador hábil escreveu-me uma letra, mim olhou repetidas vezes,[translate] ...
aes una letra de una cansion que me gusta cansion是我喜欢的一封一封信件[translate] abody splash apres bain 身体飞溅在浴以后[translate] a同学们在学习中普遍存在的压力:学习很努力,成绩却不理想,作业太多没时间玩。我的压力:成绩好但在和同学相处有困难,与父母也缺乏沟通。缓解的方法:首先与同学们交流,...
You get to see Ainz realize that his underlings are interpreting his will based on minor things he has said and his shock at that。 You get to see how the humans end up interacting with the new player in town, and you even ge It's not often I come back to update my goodreads read...