When It Comes To Investing, Men Are From VenusAs human beings, we have a tendency to overestimate our own skills and predictions for success, or so say the behavioral psychologists. The.NASDAQ.com
男人来自火星 女人来自金星 ---美.约翰.格雷 ---美.约翰.格雷
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《男人来自火星,女人来自金星》这个书名起的不错,令人印象深刻,又能很好地表达核心观点,即男人女人是两种生物,所谓火星金星是一种比喻。想起了《真探1》Rust说:man and woman are not supposed to live together except making babies. 这是一本比较著名的讨论两性差异的畅销书了,不过看了之后觉得分析的不够深刻,...
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus Imagine that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. One day long ago the Martians, looking through their telescopes, discovered the Venusians. Just glimpsing the Venusians awakened feelings they had never known. They fell in love and quickly ...
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus的创作者 ··· 约翰·格雷 作者 作者简介 ··· 约翰·格雷,心理学博士,国际知名的人际关系和情感问题专家。他继《男人来自火星,女人来自金星》轰动全球后,陆续又推出了三本畅销世界的图书,分别是:《男人约会往北,女人约会往南》、《男人进卧室向左,女人进卧室...
《男人来自火星女人来自金星 英文版原版 men are from mars women are from venus John Gray 英文原版 正版进口书》,作者:男人来自火星女人来自金星 英文版原版 men are from mars women are from venus John Gray 英文原版 正版进口书John Gray 著,出版社:Harper,ISBN
男人来自火星,女人来自金星(MenArefromMars,WomenArefromVenus-英文版 .SLR +VE] 3 1IR EVI JVSQ 1EVW ..