Very little research examines men's mental health specifically, though there is extensive research on gender differences in mental health. Most studies find that men and women have similar rates of disorder but experience different types of mental illnesses. Women have higher rates of internalizing ...
The high rates of comorbidity of these conditions is demonstrated and data are provided on the subjects' needs for mental health and substance abuse services. (JAMA. 1989;262:1352-1357) Full Text Download PDF Full Text Cite This Permissions Access through your institution JAMA+ AI Trending...
Design and participants The study was designed to determine the associations between internalized homophobia, mental health, sexual behaviors, outness, and substance use among the gay and bisexual male population in Southwest China. A cross-sectional survey was conducted online in 2014 and 2015. Parti...
In modern warfare,the mental health of armymen has become a key point in the determination of victory. Based on studies concerning this issue,we identified the definition and the classification of mental health statuses of armymen,and clarified 3 dimensions in the evaluation of mental status,that...
Meyer IH. Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: conceptual issues and research evidence. Psychol Bull. 2003;129(5):674–97. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Nguyen TV, Nguyen PD, Le TM, Le SH, Khuu NV. HIV prevalence, knowled...
In Bangladesh, men’s sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs and related services are often neglected. Little is known of men’s SRH concerns, and of the phenomenal growth of the informal and private health actors in the provision of sexual heal
Oldergaymenandlesbians,outoffearofdiscrimination,arefivetimesless likelytoaccesshealthcareandsocialservices.Thereareafewstudiesthathave exploredusageratesandfactorsthatinfluencednonuseoftheseservices.This investigatorexaminedthephysicalandmentalhealthcareserviceuseforgaymen45 yearsofageandolder.Across-sectionalstudydesign...
Researchers, policymakers, and health agencies have tended to treat gay men as a relatively homogeneous population, with little attention given to its many
Design, Setting, Participants, and Main Outcomes and Measures Using data from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, a nationally represented mental health survey, we evaluated sex differences in symptom endorsement in 2 new scales that included alternative depression symptoms. We analyzed sex differ...
The mental health stereotype about gay men: the relation between gay men's self-stereotype and stereotypes about heterosexual women and lesbians. J Soc Clin Psychol. 2011;30(4):329–60. Article Google Scholar Boysen GA, Vogel DL, Madon S, ...