This script enables the minting of Runes using Taproot addresses on the Bitcoin testnet. It leverages bitcoinjs-lib, ecpair, and runelib to create, sign, and broadcast a Bitcoin transaction containing Runes. Usage Initialize ECC Library: The script initializes the ECC library using initEccLib fro...
Network.BITCOIN,Network.BITCOIN_TESTNET,Network.LITECOIN,Network.LITECOIN_TESTNET,Network.DOGECOIN,Network.DOGECOIN_TESTNET Install npm i@tatumio/mempool-tracker Repository ...
{bitcoin.mainnet,bitcoin.testnet}--debug Enable debug mode (default: False)--cache-size CACHE_SIZECache size (in megabytes) (default: 50)--proxy PROXY Proxy server (hostname:port) (default: None)--tor Connect only to hidden services. Use proxy onlocalhost:9050, if nothing else is ...
The script is configured to work with the Bitcoin testnet. Ensure that you have testnet coins available in the provided private key. Adjust the fee and other parameters as needed.About This is Rune Launchpad Backend. Owners deposit their rune tokens and users will claim use this website. Can...